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The Giving Tree

Sister Socci, Pastor’s wife and wizard of all things crafty, helped us to create the tree and ornaments. Pastor found the perfect stand to attach the tree to and even a sparkly star to top the tree with.

For the month of December we mainly focused on raising money through a giving tree. We simply talked to people about project compassion and solicited donations. For every donation made, a paper ornament was hung on a cardboard Christmas tree. By the end of the month we wanted to have a beautiful giving tree physically representing the beautiful hearts of giving people.

Unfortunately, we didn’t have very much opportunity to solicit for donations as our church was bustling with winter events. Many of our members were preparing for the Christmas programs and parties, and serving at the youth retreat. Although the giving tree was a little lost amidst the holiday hustle, in the end we were able to raise $525.75 through the donations of 18 wonderful people. Praise the Lord!

We had some very special donations and enthused ornament hangers that made the tree extra beautiful.

These ornaments were hung by a pair of 2nd graders. Aiden was given $20 to donate but when he saw that his friend Branden wanted to hang an ornament as well, he asked us if we could split the $20 between two ornaments. It was so cute to see Branden gleefully attach his ornament onto the tree.

I think this ornament was one of the most beautiful. The humble donator didn’t want us to hang an ornament for the .75 cents he gave because he thought the amount was too small, but how could we not! Truly no amount is too little. We just appreciate the heart and support.

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