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Fund Update

Can you believe it? Just 3 more weeks until the end of Project Compassion! It really doesn't feel like it's been nearly a year, but here we are after countless acts of compassion and provisions from God.

Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on where we’re at. So far we've raised a grand total of $8,933.06. Woohoo! Praise the Lord! We’re so close to reaching our $10,000 goal. I don't think when we first started this back in June of 2016, that any of us imagined we would be able to raise this amount.

We’ve said this before but we can't say it enough, that we’re incredibly grateful to everyone who’s been supporting us. We hope that you will continue to support us and pray with us in these last few weeks as we try to raise the remaining $1,066.94. Please pray that even to the end, we will continue this project with a heart of compassion and a desire to glorify God.

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